Sunday, October 11, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Happy Thanksgiving Canada!!

Hope you're all enjoying your turkey dinners and giving thanks! Wish I was there for dinner too, but today was great!

Got up nice and early for church (the Interns are expected to be at both services each Sunday), and got to church for 9am.

Worship was great! And the preach was fab! Today we started a new series "Who Is God?", today's teaching was about God as the creator, in the past, present and future - it was in great detail, and very interesting! You can check it out on and there are tons of other great teachings on there too!!

In the second service, I was teaching the 'Sparklers' class, and turns out one of my helpers in the class was a good friend, so we had fun, and the kids at that age were just hilarious!! Thanks for all the prayers - it went really really well :) They've made me a regular teacher for that class now!

After church we mingled a bit in the atrium (foyer) before heading back into the auditorium to help stack chair for the Alpha meeting later on.

After all that, Kirsty and I headed off to join a bunch of the Young Adults (YA) for lunch at Jane's.

Then got invited to another YA mate's house for supper, turned out to be 5 of us for supper, and it was amazing! Lamb, roasted potatoes and shallots, honey baked carots, and homemade gravy, with a chocolate sponge pudding for dessert, and a fabulous shiraz to go with dinner!
We even went around and said what we were all thankful for (they made it "thanksgiving-ish" just for me) I love my friends :)
It was a really great time.

I don't miss Thanksgiving quite so much now!

Anyways, I'm back home now. Getting ready for bed, and preparing stuff for tomorrow. I will be working at the church for the morning, then have a driving lesson in the afternoon. So I'm excited for that!! Pray I learn quick!

Hope everyone's well! And enjoying family time!

Mum I wish I was there in the kitchen cooking turkey dinner with you! But Kerry's a fab cook and I'm sure you two will have a blast :)

Lots of love to everyone! I'm so thankful for all of you!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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